save the bees

Take a Breath and Listen to the Bees

Take a Breath and Listen to the Bees

Even with everything occurring and abundant uncertainty, take a moment to drink some water, take a breath, and perhaps even hum a few bars like the bees do. It won’t create a vaccine, nor feed someone in need, nor even get your shopping done. However, it might just help you relieve the tension and other stresses you’re holding, at least for a time.

Garden Helpers: The Bees, the Bugs, and the Doodlebugs

Garden Helpers: The Bees, the Bugs, and the Doodlebugs

What garden is complete without the gentle hum of insects, buzzing and chirping, going about their lives in their intrinsic ecological niche.

The Importance of Bees

The Importance of Bees

There are many species of bees, though the most well known is the honey bee, Apis Mellifera, the species that tend to suffer most from Colony Collapse Disorder, in which either suddenly or gradually, the population of the hives in an area significantly decrease.