
The Bees | Botany (Adjacent) Book Review

The Bees | Botany (Adjacent) Book Review

The book is described as a mix of The Hunger Games and The Handmaid's Tale, but with bees and while I've not read either, from what I have heard and seen that would be accurate. The story itself was engaging and well written. However, while it is well written and engaging, describing insect society in a manner that you would a human society gets rather grim, incredibly fast.

Covid-19 and America's EPA

Covid-19 and America's EPA

“In a bid to “save the economy,” the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stopped enforcing environmental laws. According to these newly relaxed regulations, businesses failing to meet previous standards of public health and environmental security will not be fined, penalized, or subject to any civil penalties, wrote Knickmeyer, of the Associated Press. Many of these businesses are from the oil and gas industry and are often routinely cited for dumping hazardous materials already.”



The Team Trees project is running till December 31, 2019. We have two months left and as of now, a bit over 11 million dollars have been raised, translating to over 11 million trees.

Things I Learned from Plants (A Series): #2. Water is Life and Should Be Respected.

Things I Learned from Plants (A Series): #2. Water is Life and Should Be Respected.

Water is party to all things, dear reader.  While all Earth-dwelling embodied lifeforms have their own characteristics, goals, needs, and expectations of their environments, water is a common necessity they all share.  Without proper hydration, the brain's receptors stop interpreting and correlating information and general organ failure occurs, plants are unable to photosynthesize, and moisture continues to evaporate from the body at a rather high rate. 

The Importance of Bees

The Importance of Bees

There are many species of bees, though the most well known is the honey bee, Apis Mellifera, the species that tend to suffer most from Colony Collapse Disorder, in which either suddenly or gradually, the population of the hives in an area significantly decrease.