
Covid-19 and America's EPA

Covid-19 and America's EPA

“In a bid to “save the economy,” the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stopped enforcing environmental laws. According to these newly relaxed regulations, businesses failing to meet previous standards of public health and environmental security will not be fined, penalized, or subject to any civil penalties, wrote Knickmeyer, of the Associated Press. Many of these businesses are from the oil and gas industry and are often routinely cited for dumping hazardous materials already.”

PSA: Covid-19 & Herbalism | Responsible Medical Ethnobotany

PSA: Covid-19 & Herbalism | Responsible Medical Ethnobotany

…In our planet’s current health climate, it is important to keep a level head and understand what we’re dealing with. While I am completely in favor of people taking care of their own bodies and doing what they can to maintain their health through natural botanical and supportive means (previous medical ethnobotany posts), right now is not a time to be taking health into your own hands. …

Why Botany?

Why Botany?

Over the years, people have asked why I’ve studied botany. Why do I care what happens in a forest half a world away? Usually the same people follow this with the assertion that yes, climate change is real, but it’s up to the big corporations to reverse it because they’re the initial cause.

Into the Desert: a Photo-Journal

Into the Desert: a Photo-Journal

A few weeks ago, a couple of friends and I had the opportunity to drive out to Quartzite, AZ, for the day.  Because we were coming from southern California, this meant driving through Joshua Tree and the Sonoran Desert.  These are some photographs from the journey.