
Foxglove: Poison and Healer | Botany After Dark Podcast

Foxglove: Poison and Healer | Botany After Dark Podcast

What is foxglove? Why is it important? What does it do or not do? And why is it called “foxglove” of all things?

It should be a surprise to none that humans have a tendency to concoct often fantastical narratives about their surroundings, some of which have connections to the foxglove, as we’ll explore in a few moments.

PSA: Covid-19 & Herbalism | Responsible Medical Ethnobotany

PSA: Covid-19 & Herbalism | Responsible Medical Ethnobotany

…In our planet’s current health climate, it is important to keep a level head and understand what we’re dealing with. While I am completely in favor of people taking care of their own bodies and doing what they can to maintain their health through natural botanical and supportive means (previous medical ethnobotany posts), right now is not a time to be taking health into your own hands. …

Botany After Dark Podcast, Episode 1: The Morning Glory, +BONUS Waffle and Plans

Botany After Dark Podcast, Episode 1: The Morning Glory, +BONUS Waffle and Plans

Welcome to the experiments in voice editing and mic use that has been my life for the past week and a half.

In today's episode, we dive into the weird and wonderful world of the morning glory, specifically the Mexican morning glory (tlitliltzin, Ipomoea. tricolor), a vibrant blue and featured in the episode artwork, and the Beach moonflower (Ipomoea. violacea). Join me in discovering the... altered states and effects of this plant.

Philz Coffee Review

Philz Coffee Review

As often occurs, dear friends, a few days ago at around 2 o'clock, my energy was sapped and I needed some caffeine and food.  Drinking high-caff coffee, sans food never ends well.  I've tried it.  Undergrad studying makes you forget to eat, sometimes. Also craft/art projects.  Not recommended.  Timers and alarms are your friend.  But, I digress.

Note: Not sponsored in any shape or form.

Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)

There are several species of mushrooms that alter a person's consciousness when ingested.  While botanically mushrooms are not classed as plants, they have played a significant role in human development, whether as a food source, a method of communing with the gods, or as an artistic muse.

Dandelion: Healing Your Gut Since 659 B.C.E.

Dandelion: Healing Your Gut Since 659 B.C.E.

One of the most commonly seen and often unwelcome plants, the dandelion (Taraxicum officinale), is relatively easily distinguishable with its iconic, serrated or toothed leaves and domed flower heads .

Giant Hyssop (Agastache rugosa)

Giant Hyssop (Agastache rugosa)

Purple Giant Hyssop, Wrinkled Giant Hyssop, Korean Mint, Blue Licorice, huò xiāng (藿香), bangsnnip (방아잎), Patchouli herb--whatever regional name is chosen, they all refer to the same plant: Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Kuntze.  For purposes of this post, the two most abundant names I found were (Purple) Giant Hyssop and Korean Mint, hence the top-title billing.