
The Praying Mantis Egg Case and the Shrubbery

The Praying Mantis Egg Case and the Shrubbery

Today, we’ll be talking about the praying mantis, species diversity, and ecological niches.  All photographs and video were taken by me at the local arboretum and are indicative of a sort of capsule environment you might find in such a locale.

Philz Coffee Review

Philz Coffee Review

As often occurs, dear friends, a few days ago at around 2 o'clock, my energy was sapped and I needed some caffeine and food.  Drinking high-caff coffee, sans food never ends well.  I've tried it.  Undergrad studying makes you forget to eat, sometimes. Also craft/art projects.  Not recommended.  Timers and alarms are your friend.  But, I digress.

Note: Not sponsored in any shape or form.