The Amazing Plant Project

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Soil Painting: a Recipe

So, today I thought we might do something a touch random and a bit lighter than some posts have been.  Basically, I was mixing six bags of soil with additives and we've one wheelbarrow.  Doing the same process six or more times is annoying and boring, so I made it interesting and got it done.  Think of it as turning chores or homework into a quest, if you will. Without further ado, the recipe:

1 bag potting soil (used LG)  (dark brown/black base)

1/3 bag worm castings  (near-black)

3 cups perlite  (white volcanic rocks)

1-2oz kelp meal  (green, fine powder)

1-2oz bone meal  (grey-white)

1-2oz blood meal  (blue-black)

1-2oz alfalfa meal  (green and a bit pellet-y)

1-2oz root-start fertilizer  (brown and a bit pellet-y)

Each ingredient generally has a different color.  Consequently, if inspiration strikes or you're bored, you can make patterns in the soil. Here's a few I came up with today:


Smile-y Face

Peace Sign

Great Britain... A bit squashed (bone and kelp meal on potting soil)

Waterfall... sort of

Make the most of the materials you have, keep life interesting, and let your imagination play.  

Have a good night, everyone. 
